Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What's your dirty little secret?

Good morning everyone and by morning I mean I just finished my blog two hours ago, had one hour of sleep and now I look like a crack addict needing a fix. My eyes are blooshot and puffy, I'm shaky and I want nothing more than to sleep. Sadly, I am already sitting in my office, contemplating how I am going to fit in all the homework and menial tasks that I must do for my Stats test which is tomorrow. The stats class is really the bane of my existence and I cry sometimes thinking if I don't get an A in this math class I will no longer be allowed to attend college. I will not get the degree I have worked so hard to obtain because the university says my math skills aren't competent enough to give me an advertising degree. Sorry, I needed to vent that out.

Today's entry is simply about secrets, things you love, things you hate, your guilty pleasures. This entry was inspired by the Post Secret phenomenom and how successful this concept has become. The creator's daughter committed suicide and now he has started a type of anonymous therapy and his own suicide helpline. However, I like the funny ones, sometimes I go to his site and when I read about the issues people are having, I cry. I am thankful I don't have some of the internal struggles some people have. My heart really goes out to people. Check out the site:

Here are some samples:

I don't have time to list the many, many things I love, hate, and enjoy with guilt but here are some of the top items:

What do I love: the smell of the earth after a fresh rain, my friends, my hair, marilyn monroe, snow falling, my job, courtney love, rollercoasters, lightning storms, rottweilers, mullets, clouds that form into shapes of things, 500 lb. black women who have more confidence in their little toe than the majority of thinner girls and they rock sweet heels with pump fat, coffee, cigarettes, holding hands, plaid/flannel shirts,tattoos, alcohol, big trees with amazing shade, Borat, good hugs where people don't pat you on the back (a solid embrace), sunsets, manly men, spinning, mall chinese (perry's), my chest, scenic drives, drive in movies, swimming in lakes, big lap dogs, people watching, manicures, Forever 21, convertibles, family, smiles, soulful eyes, hippies, ice cream, McAlisters, Sex Talk with Sue Johannsen, very sexy perfume the girls and the mens version, classic rock and roll, tall men, Sex and the City, Dave Chappelle,

What do I hate: corn, overly PDA-couples that are too happy, Top Model Marathons on Vh1, annoying laughs, math, pretentious people, Boston Market, small dogs, haters, cake, fake people, acryilics, neediness, not being able to solve Seth's riddles that he pulls out of his ass, bad sex, cooking/baking, customer service over the phone, people who are into themselves to an extreme degree, heartless people, clumpy mascara,

What are my guilty pleasures: Cosmopolitan, spooning, rap music, eating peanut butter and fluff with a spoon (double-dipping of course), reality television (everything on Vh1, Bravo and MTV, I watch), smelling my feet, spooning, rainy days, chick flicks, staying in pajamas, hot cocoa

I want you to tell me your dirty little secrets. Your loves, your hates, guilty pleasures. You can leave the entries all anonymous or be brave and leave your name. Please try to shock me. I need a little something of interest to make me feel like this blog is having some impact and it is actually worth all the time that I have slaved over it.

A little music to inspire. . .


Anonymous said...

my guilty pleasures consist of:
sleeping way too much.
secretly looking online daily for real estate across the country even though im stuck here and can't even consider affording a move like that.
in depth lesbian fantasies.. even though i'm in a committed hetero relationship and have been for over 3 years.
secretly & obsessively wanting to have a baby... even though i'm young, financially unstable, OUT OF MY MIND!... etc.
cheating on my diet.. with a smile on my face.
online games.. if my friends knew i was at home playing that dumb crap instead of going out to party i'd be a goner.
hating my career choice.. even though it's a little too late.

and how can corn be the first on your hate list?! corn rocks the house!

Anonymous said...

after much contemplation... as much as I really don't want this to be true... IT'S NOT YOU IT'S ME

Anonymous said...

00. wanting a cute, dorky-ish (by society's standards)guy to be my boyfriend and treat me the way I should have been treated all these years...

01. ... Then in all reality not wanting a boyfriend AT ALL, because I'd rather be alone then with a douche bag.

02. choosing sleep over going out

03. pretending that I am a fabulous singer in the car, when I honestly can't hold a damn note to save my life.

04. percocet to get rid of cramps, that's love right there. haha

05. Having to have some sort of candy/sugar every single day :) :)

06. One Tree Hill hahahaha

07. kind of second guessing ever having kids because I'm afraid of being connected to the father FOREVER.


Anonymous said...

My guilty pleasure consists of working at LL Bean during the day and then running a lobster fighting ring in my tub at night. I'm glad this is anonymous because I really needed to tell someone but I didn't have anyway to do it. Thank you Taryn for letting me be free!

Anonymous said...

i love my cat more than i love most people in my life. : )

Anonymous said...

what i love: smell of pumpkin, big sweaters, having my hair brushed, and my dog
what i hate: fat girls wearing clothes made for babies, saliva, people chewing gum, and the beastie boys
dirty secret (of among many): i write a detailed entry of your sex performance after I've slept with you to remember who you are and who I've had sex with ;)

Anonymous said...

My loves:
Food. All food. Sushi, BBQ, Chinese, Greek, Mexican, Real Cuban food, Japanese ginger dressing (but only from Tokyo Sushi).
House pets, but only those who don't live in cages. I love weiner dogs, cats who act like dogs, and labrador retrievers.
Family guy.

My Hates:
Celebrities who think that a microphone entitles them to a (stupid, misinformed, ignorant) opinion.
Bad drivers.
Sorostitutes who drive while talking on their cell phone, driving 55 on I-75.
People who say mean things without thinking about who they may effect.

My Guilty Pleasures:
Eating A1 Sauce with a spoon.
Smelling laundry one item at a time while I fold it.
Watching my husband read. He looks so intense.
Sleeping when I should be doing stuff.
Spicy-Hot V8.
Oh, and Bloody Marys.
Feeling slightly cool when someone says "Wow, you're from Miami? How cool!"
Looking at my wedding pictures and feeling gorgeous.

Taylor said...

Don't hate on Boston Market. Many valueable meals have come from that eatery.

But I agree: America's top model and overly PDA couples need to burn.

Yay to your hair, big, proud black women, rollercoasters, and Sue Johannsen.

With love.

Anonymous said...

guilty pleasure....

gilmore girls

Anonymous said...

Secrets...I don't believe in secrets because I can't keep them to well. My biggest worry in life is the same as anyone else's...Success. Am I in the right major? How far in life can it really get me? Will I ever find a decent man that won't break my heart and be a complete douche bag that never calls back? My life is dominated by questions that constantly run across my mind. Is beauty really pain? Is it enough? Does your hair look like that naturally? What would happen if you went bald?
These questions that run across my mind are forever unanswered...well, not really the last ones, but the other ones take time and patience which I don't have the time or patience for to worry about them!

Anonymous said...

I plan my wedding... all the time. Even though I have come to the realization the guy I am with probably won't ever marry me...

Anonymous said...

I have a ton of friends and know a lot of people but I don't feel close to anyone. I don't have anyone to tell my secrets.

Kelsey said...

you lied because you said you hate haters, but you like me and i'm a hater.

as for secrets...that what they are and that's what they stay

Anonymous said...

I judge people that say they know me... becuase I even lie to myself.